Five Benefits to Straightening Teeth Using Clear Aligners at our Huntsville Orthodontics Office

OrthodonticWe can provide you with clear aligners at our Huntsville orthodontics office as a convenient way to straighten your teeth. If you dream of having a straight smile but are not willing to deal with the inconvenience of traditional braces, wearing aligners is an excellent alternative. Clear aligners look similar to a clear retainer that surrounds your teeth. They work using the same general principle as traditional braces – they apply pressure to the teeth in order to gradually move them into position. The only difference is that the aligners are not affixed to your teeth like the metal brackets are. To keep your teeth moving in the right direction, you will need to switch out your aligners every two weeks or so, and each aligner will be slightly different from the one before it so that your teeth continue to straighten.

Here are some of the main benefits associated with wearing clear aligners:

Since you are supposed to take your aligners out to brush your teeth, you simply need to rinse them and place them in a case while you brush and floss. Be sure to brush your teeth every time that you eat so that you are not trapping food particles or bacteria in between your teeth and your aligners. You should also floss at least once per day. For the best possible clean, use an electronic toothbrush and a fluoride toothpaste. However, you do not want to use toothpaste on your aligners since this can scratch them.

Patients can remove clear aligners during meals. Patients wearing clear aligners can eat a plate of ribs or take a big bite of a hamburger without worrying about food sticking between brackets. This can be embarrassing and is one reason that many adults choose not to wear braces. People wearing clear aligners never have this inconvenience when wearing aligners as long as one removes them before eating.

When you wear clear aligners, you can smile without it being obvious that you are undergoing an orthodontic treatment. What will be obvious is that your smile is looking better. Since the aligners are clear, you can see the position of your teeth. This is a huge benefit because as your teeth become straighter, your appearance will improve, rather than you waiting until the very end to benefit from the changes.

If you are making a major presentation at work, or you are in your cousin's wedding, you can take your aligners out. Clear aligners at our orthodontics office give you the flexibility to make your own decision regarding what events are too important to wear your aligners. Just remember to put them back in as soon as you are done so that your treatment plan can stay on schedule.

  1. You can brush your teeth like normal
  2. You can eat your favorite foods
  3. You can smile with confidence
  4. You can take them out for important occasions

For more information or to find out if clear aligners are the right solution for you, call us at (256) 660-3233 and schedule a consultation.

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